
『グラサイ(イカサマ用ダイス)』を使うボードゲームです。『複雑な算数』や『言語依存』を減らし、より多くの世代で広く楽しめるゲームです。頭脳よりもサイコロの性質を見抜く観察眼と勝負度胸を重視しており、子供と大人が対等に競えます。人数:1〜4人(拡張で最大6人)、時間:15 〜 45分、年齢:8歳〜大人

efeat first, your strategy will change.

If you defeat “BARON”,
You can get the 《Weakness》 of the “GLAMOROUS”, but it will be a long time before you can take advantage of them.You have only gained 1 points in terms of score, so challenge the gambler to a further duel for a sure win.

If you defeat “GOTHIC”,
If you can get +4《Bonus Points》 , you are already in a position to win (score 15 points). Let’s head to the Gold area to defeat the “ORIENTAL” as soon as possible. The pressure you will put on the people around you will not be small.

If you defeat the “BUNNY”,
As you gain the《Silver Key》, you will be able to go through the “Back doors”, so it would be a good idea to use your high trampling ability to go to the places where other players are targeting first to check them out.

If you get the 《Gold Key》, you can go looking for the “BOSS”.

If you defeat the “BUTLER”,
If you’ve collected enough dice to defeat “BUTLER” in the early stages, then you’re behind the rest of the players, aren’t you? Do your best to get back on track.

However, if you have 《Insurance》, it’s a different story. Since the wear and tear of dueling is reduced by half, you can challenge him to a duel with a light heart, thinking “I’ll be lucky if I win, and even if I lose, it’s Death warp. If you have 《Insurance》, you don’t need a strategy. In any case, you should prioritize dueling many gamblers.


・『バロン』 → 『グラムスター』 → 『ボス』のルート
・『ゴス』 → 『レディー』 → 『ボス』のルート
