l someone uses the dice or loses the dice by Pushing.
When Pushing is used, the first player sends the number of dice for the squares pushed out to the dice pool, and then the second player gets the number of dice for the squares from the dice pool.
No dice in hand!
Only if you do not have any dice in hand at the start of your turn, you can get one dice at random from the dice pool. Be sure to make a move each turn.
Already published《Betrayal》 and《Exposure》
The benefits 《Betrayal》 and《Exposure》 are effects that check (or open) the listed duel spots card.
However, if the listed duel spots card does not exist (or has already been opened), you cannot do so. Instead, you can open the card of the duel spots chosen by the right holder of the award. this is Public Information. When opening the card, choose a duel spots of the same color as described. If there is no color left, you cannot open it.
Unwanted Dueling
If a player is pushed out of the duel spots by another player, he or she loses dice before the duel.
1) You lose the number of dice equal