


The disease was so minor that even the big hospitals couldn’t figure it out, and He was passed around from one hospital to another. And Miyoshi medical center accepted him and now ndergoing treatment at Hiroshima University Hospital. They really saved my life. However, because of the corona problem, it was difficult for me to visit hime, and with no future in sight, I had to do my best to support myself. I have been searching for something that I can do to move forward, and here I am. Since I can’t do anything for my husband, I wanted to do something to help pave the way for the future of my husband and other people with neurological intractable diseases, even if it is very indirect. I would like to contribute to the advancement of medical research on intractable diseases so that many people can live a life of peace of mind, even if it is a small contribution. I would appreciate your cooperation!

同時通訳者・教育改革者 小熊弥生
Yayoi Oguma, a simultaneous translator and educational reforme


Hitomi, I believe that you will succeed. I sincerely hope that research in neurological intractable disease medicine will advance and save your husband and many others.

ABCインターナショナルプリスクール代表 今仁公美子
Kumiko Imani, The President of ABC International Preschool
