QUEST Learning Support and Therapy

QUEST Learning Support and Therapy
We will open a learning support centre in Tokyo for families seeking help and therapy for children with learning differences or difficulties.

making a difference. We plan to be self-sustaining within 18 months.

With ¥ 20,000,000

We can launch with three full time staff (e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Autism and / or Dyslexia specialist), set up the hub with the resources needed and start supporting children.

If we can find match funding, we can do so much more!
About our returns

Please find below our returns list:

Implementation schedule

May and June: CAMPFIRE Project live, marketing and advertising the project

June: secure funding, Incorporate QLST

June and July: recruit specialist team locally in Japan

August: set up the new hub in Chiyoda-ku location

September: open our doors
Finally …

This is a much overdue center that children, parents and schools need. Let’s make it happen!

This project will be implemented by the’All-In Method’. Even if we don’t meet our target amount, we will execute our plan and deliver our returns.



私は2001年にイギリスから東京へ拠点を移したカーステン・オコナーで、教育に携わっています。株式会社QUEST TOKYO(の創設者兼ディレクターであると同時に、Clarence Education Asia(の教育ディレクターでもあります。 以前、ブリティッシュ・スクール・イン・東京の初等部校長をしていました。




QUEST Learning, Support and Therapy(QLST)という名前の支援拠点で、この拠点を2021年9月にオープンしたいと考えています。本プロジェクトは、拠点を開設し、専任のスペシャリストを配置するために必要なスタートアップ