* Information in English is also provided at the bottom of this page!!
私たちは沖縄県本島北部を拠点に活動している「創作芸団 レキオス」と申します。
この状況で多くの方に元気と明るさを送りたい、そこで私達に出来ることは想いを演舞で伝える事だと考え、2020年12月にコロナ禍で初の公演「レキオフェスタ2020 創作芸団レキオス 芸能公演 – 継 – 』」を開催致しました。
「レキオフェスタ2020 創作芸団レキオス 芸能公演 – 継 – 』」映像
“Requios Festa 2020

Creative Production Requios Presents ~Tsunagu~ “.
この感謝の気持ちをたくさんの方々に伝えたく、2021年5月末、「 創作芸団レキオス公演「継」~TUNAGU~ 」の公演を計画しています。
沖縄は芸能の宝庫と言われています。しかし、熱い思いを持った若手アーティストや芸能団体、実演家等たちが新型コロナウィルス の影響により大きな損害を受けています。
会場に足を運んでいただく皆様には「創作芸団レキオス公演「継」~TUNAGU~ 」を楽しんでいただく事はもちろん、映像の生配信でも舞台公演の熱気を感じていただきます。

▪️ライブ公演 会場予定地:365日で閉まる店照らす家
そして何よりも新型コロナウィルス の影響で暗くなっている空気を
1,000円 :お礼メール
3,000円 :お礼メール、本公演記録写真1カット(JPEG)
5,000円 :お礼メール、本公演記録写真5カット(JPEG)
8,000円 :メッセージ動画、本公演記録写真5カット(JPEG)
10,000円:メッセージ動画、本公演記録写真10カット(JPEG)、「歌舞の鼓魂」ライブ公演 DVD 1枚
30,000円:メッセージ動画、本公演記録写真20カット(JPEG)、「歌舞の鼓魂」ライブ公演 DVD 1枚・レキオスTシャツ1枚
50,000円:メッセージ動画、本公演記録写真20カット(JPEG)、「歌舞の鼓魂」ライブ公演 DVD 1枚
団長比嘉翔也デザイン非売品 レキオスTシャツ1枚(先着

▪️10名様以降はレキオスTシャツ、「歌舞の鼓魂」ライブ公演 DVD 1枚となります。
島根県の日本遺産 構成文化財である石見神楽の大蛇を参考に、私たち創作芸団レキオス は15年前から独自で稽古を積んできました。
創作芸団レキオスの拠点である沖縄県 名護市と、石見神楽の伝統地域でもある島根県 浜田市の架け橋となり、芸能文化を通じて、温かい思いの繋がりが地域と地域を結ぶ重要な役割になれると感じました。
2021年5月末に公演予定の「 創作芸団レキオス公演「継」~TUNAGU~ 」を企画したように、一歩一歩、夢や目標を持って活動し、新型コロナウィルス が落ち着いた時には必ず石見神楽を地元名護市に招待し、日本の奥深い芸能を国境を越えて多くの方々にも見ていただきたく思います。
新型コロナウィルス が世界中に蔓延している今だからこそ、私たち創作芸団レキオスの持つパワーを、一人でも多くの皆様へお届けする事が大切な事だと感じています。

【 About Us 】
We (Creative Production Requios / Sōsaku Geidan Requios) are based in Northern area of Okinawa, Japan.
Formed the team in September 23rd, 1998 that we have been performing for 23 years.
“Eisā” is one of the traditional dance originated from Nenbutsu Odori (traditional dance in mainland Japan) and change its way of dancing year by year.
Eisā hit the drums, play the musical accompaniment, and dance to Ryukyu folk songs and pop music.
It is very important folk performing arts represents Okinawa.
We mixed “Eisā” and folk performing arts like “Lion Shi-Shi dance” into our original style pursuing the earthy odor and depth of Ryukyu performing arts, valuing daily practice.
We have been performing not only Japan but also lots of other countries to

make northern Okinawa sacred place.
The meaning of Requios is “People of The Ryukyus” in Portuguese.
It comes from the Portuguese calling the people of the Ryukyus “REQUIOS” during the Great Trade Era (late 14th century to mid 16th century) as friendly, unarmed and peace-loving people.
【 Our Thoughts / Umui 】
Due to the influence of the COVID-19 after February 2020 all events have been canceled and
the situation has become more difficult in terms of operation.
We know that current is a difficult situation not only for us but for the whole world.
We hope to get rid of this situation as much as possible and what we can do is to convey our
thoughts through a performance.
In December 2020, we decided to perform “Requios Festa 2020 Creative Production Requios Presents ~Tsunagu~ “.
We wanted more people to feel the performance with our so

ul, so we immediately delivered a live video, though it was simple streaming setup.
After the performance, we received a lot of warm cheers and comments from many people including those in the area who were indebted until now, and also from people whose in a difficult situation.
Nevertheless, we were very impressed with everyone’s heartwarming support.
We strongly believe that the current stage is not the norm, and that our activities are supported by various people.
We would like to express our gratitude for exploding this feeling on this stage.
Okinawa is well known as a treasure trove of performing arts.
However, there are also situations where young artists and performers with a big passion are smoldering under the influence of COVID-19.
We would like to collaborate with these various performing artists and provide a place to expre

ss themselves, establish a system that can support them even if it is a small scale then disseminate the performing arts to the world together.
“We believe that performing arts have strong power and potential.”
Due to the influence of the coronavirus it is difficult to hold large-scale events.
We think that live streaming is the only way that can deliver excitement to many people.
After all we need a certain amount of funds and technology promising to deliver excitement to the audience.
It goes without saying that people who come to the event will enjoy the “Tsunagu” performance.
In the live streaming, you can hear the breathing on the stage as if performers are right in front of you and instantly convey your facial expression and body temperature.
You will enjoy the angle, presence and space that can only be seen in the video.
We hop

e that our Heshi (musical accompaniment) will become a cheering and that Nuchikajiri (hard) performance will bring energy to everyone.
In the up coming event “Requio Festa 2021 Creative Production Requios Presents ~Tsunagu~ “ we will do our best to create a warm performance that connects people with each other.
Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation!
【 The Way of Using Funds 】
We are planning a live performance at the end of May 2021
“Creative Production Requios Presents ~Tsunagu~”
“Stage, live streaming and coronavirus countermeasure costs”
First of all, the reality is that there is no income for stage performers due to the current situation. By holding this performance, employment of stage staff related to the performance will be created, and their lives will be helped.
In addition, we will be able to continue

our activities by holding independent performances,
and we will be able to convey the charm and excitement of Requios to people all over the world, so we decided to do crowdfunding this time.
【 About Returns 】
¥1,000 : Thanks E-Mail
¥3,000 : Thanks E-Mail & Live performance photos(1cut/jpeg)
¥5,000 : Thanks E-Mail & Live performance photos(5cut/jpeg)
¥8,000 : Thanks Message Movie & Live performance photos(5cut/jpeg)
¥10,000 : Thanks Message Movie & Live performance photos(10cut/jpeg) & Kabu no Kodama performance live DVD
¥30,000 : Thanks Message Movie & Live performance photos(20cut/jpeg) & Kabu no Kodama performance live DVD & Requios Original T-shirt
¥50,000 : Thanks Message Movie & Live performance photos(20cut/jpeg) & Kabu no Kodama performance live DVD, first 15 people can get limited edition Requios T-shirt designed by gran

dmaster Shoya Higa
【 Our Hope 】
With reference to the large snake of Iwami Kagura, which is a cultural property that constitutes a Japanese heritage in Shimane Prefecture we have been practicing independently for 15 years.
Last year, when I contacted the Hamada Iwami Kagura Central Liaison Council to see and experience the genuine Kagura.
Although it was already in the corona circumstance, we were warmly welcomed by the members of the Hamada Iwami Kagurasha Central Liaison Council and we practiced Iwami Kagura together.
At the performance in last December we were able to invite the members of the Hamada Iwami Kagurasha Central Liaison Council to our arts performance.
We were able to meet Mayor of Nago with the members of the council.
It became a bridge between Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture which is the base of the Requios and Hamada Cit

y, Shimane Prefecture which is also a traditional area of Iwami Kagura.
Through the performing arts culture we felt that warm connections can play an important role in connecting regions like between us and Hamada City.
We would like to pass on this kind of exchange of performing arts culture not only to us but also to the next generations who will lead the future.
As we planned for the “Requios Festa 2021 Creative Production Requios Presents ~Tsunagu~ “ scheduled to be performed in the end of May 2021, we will work with a big dreams and desire, and whenever the current situation calms down we are going to invite Iwami Kagura to the local Nago city.
We would like many people to see the profound performing arts of Japan across the country.
【 Our Final Words 】
We, Creative Production Requios set a goal to play an important role representi

ng Okinawa and we would like to work toward becoming a community-based organization.
Therefore we believe that it is important to deliver the power of our creative arts performance to as many people as possible because of the current global situation.
Ounce again, “Requios Festa 2021 Creative Production Requios Presents ~Tsunagu~ “ scheduled to be performed at the end of May 2021 We look forward to your understanding and cooperation of our activities and thank you in advance for your support.