gratitude for your cooperation and support.
At the end
Please help us and save Myanmar
Please save us and Myanmar.
Team / group / self-introduction / activity results, etc.
This is an activity organized by students in Mie University who want to support Myanmar for human rights and freedom. We have done such humanitarian aids similar to such situation when sever disasters hit Myanmar to help the people.
This is an activity organized by Mie University students to support human rights and freedoms in Myanmar. We have provided similar humanitarian assistance to help people in the event of a major disaster in Myanmar.
I am a doctor of medicine studying abroad in Japan from Myanmar. In my life, I have volunteered where I need it.
When I was a medical college student, I participated in several volunteer programs to improve the health of people in rural areas. These activities include health education, school health promotion, public health awareness, hygiene and basic health care.
During the internship period in Myanmar, when the cyclone “Nargis” hit Myanmar, we volunteered for the victims, joined a mobile medical team that provides emergency medical care in the delta area, and dressed the victims of Nargis. And donated food and formed an emergency rescue team with other healthcare professionals to help people. In recognition of these achievements, I was awarded the Honorary Certificate of Humanitarian Aid by the Ministry of Health of Myanmar.
After graduating, I volunteer