

(Japanese pub). Transforming it into a live music venue and bar represents an important cost. We will have to pay for interior construction work, soundproofing, stage infrastructure and equipment, labor costs, and relocation.

We see this forced relocation as an opportunity. While we move to this new venue, we have new decisions to make. How will the stage be positioned? How will customers be able to interact with our musicians and staff? What additional services could we offer to make Bauhaus even better? What atmosphere do we want to create?

If you liked the old Bauhaus, be reassured: we will keep all the ingredients you loved. Our immortal rock music catalogue. Our beloved musicians-bartenders. Our deep sense of community. Our unique atmosphere, out of time and space, where nothing else than rock matters for a night – every night. Our pricing system.

We are working with an architectural designer who volunteered to help us create the best venue we ever occupied, since our opening in 1981 and already three relocations. This designer is a fan of Bauhaus. He knows our current venue. He also knows the previous one. With him, we are making sure that the layout and interior atmosphere of the new Bauhaus will be the perfect mix of everything you loved in our previous places.

We will also introduce new ideas, to make the new Bauhaus more resilient to future crises. We will make sure that our new setup makes it easier for us to organize livestream shows, for instance.

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