
helpers around the farm. They see potential for making their lives better, with services such as automated transport both saving time and making the work a little less physical. We seek to not only do physical work but collect big data around the farm. This data would be used to provide automated analysis for the farmer, so management of the farm is easier. We would also sell the data to the supply chain in order to make the robot cheaper for the farmer, overcoming the large financial barrier that traditional agricultural machines impose.


ターゲットりんご農家 Target Apple Farmers
① 新しい技術を取り入れやすい若い農家
② りんごを運ぶ際に特に丁寧に扱う必要のない加工用りんごを栽培している
③ ロボットが稼働しやすい矮化栽培 or 高密度栽培をしている所

We will begin working with younger farmers (under 67) and new farmers, as those are the ones who we have interviewed so far and have shown strong interest in robotics and new technology. We will make it easy to use and expand the demographics over time. We are also considering starting dwarf tree farms which have a little more structure to them, and also apples used for processing (apple juice or dried apple), as these are a little less delicate. By doing so, we will prove our technology and develop to the point where we can expand to every farm in Japan, including other fruit tree farms.
プロトタイプロボットのコンセプト Prototype Consept


① ロボットはSLAM技術で自己位置推定し、収穫場と収集場を自動で往復運搬する
② りんご収穫に使うカゴ10個、20kgコンテナ