
raveled around Tohoku during our PhD studies, we noticed many deserted farms, quiet countryside and elderly farmers doing physical work. When we saw this, we realized our AI and robotics technology originally meant for space can be used to make farmers lives’ easier. So, we made that our mission and started Kisui Tech.


We want to provide relief to farmers in Japan.
Farmers are some of the most generous people, crucial for society by providing us our daily substance. However, they are facing difficult situations with the hard work required on farms, along with the deteriorating conditions in the rural areas with people moving out.

This has left the average age of farmers at 67. We will use AI and robotics to lessen the work of these farmers, to increase their yield and to make farming cool. We aspire to attract more young people to farming, along with creating engineering and scientist jobs in these local communities. Our hope is that this can revitalize the local economies.
